K-Logistik Aviation Services
Air Cargo Handling
Our core competence - Airline handling
Air Cargo Handling
Our core competence - Airline handling
Warehouse logistics
We offer freight forwarders and agents all services from a single source!
Road Feeder Service
including warehouse logistics - a perfect combination!
Competent staff
trained according to the specifications of the LBA!
We are your neutral - somewhat different - air freight service provider at Stuttgart Airport.
K-Logistik Aviation Services GmbH was founded in October 2001 as a trucking and handling company at Stuttgart Airport. Here, we are your contact for the cargo ground handling of airlines and freight forwarders, substitute air freight transport between the important European airports, area-wide pick-up and feeder transport in the catchment area of Stuttgart Airport, as well as aviation security.
Our customers include renowned international airlines and agents.
We invite you to inform yourself about our company on our site.
Your K-Logistik Aviation Services GmbH team
wishes you much fun
Beginning 03/15/2017,
we have new phone numbers!
Telephone list (PDF) >>>
We are approved as Regulated Agent DE/RA/00013-01/0113
Visit website >>>
and members of the Verband der Air Cargo Abfertiger Deutschlands e.V. [Association of Air Cargo Dispatchers of Germany] (VACAD)
Learn more >>>
AEO-F authorization number 125 598
Im Luftfrachtzentrum Geb. 610/1
D-70629 Stuttgart Flughafen
Tel. Disposition: +49(0) 711 400 539 20
Tel. Export: +49(0) 711 400 539 30
Tel. Import: +49(0) 711 400 539 40
Fax: +49(0) 711 7970 970